Alastair Bonnett
What is geography?
First published 2008
SAGE Publications Ltd
Working in the field of geography for many years, I
kept thinking about why the field of research in this area of science is so
vague, why people who consider themselves geographers explore many issues that
cannot be related to geography. When this happens, you should get acquainted
with the positions of the maximum number of researchers. Alastair Bonnett's
work "What is geography?" is just that, it allows us to understand
the authors of the English-speaking world, although in the scientific field,
the author's affiliation to a particular language group should not matter,
because all scholars form a single cohort. Let's walk through the pages of this
book. I will comment on some opinions to show differences - without this,
science cannot move forward.
I will give my comments in black, quotes from the book
- in blue.
Why What is